What we Believe

     DuBois Christian Schools holds the view that the Bible teaches that God created and sustains everything through His Son, Jesus Christ. The world and life should be God-centered, and a Christian's life should glorify Him in all that is done. Man can only truly glorify God by being recreated in God's image through the new birth and by committing his life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The total process of education should then seek this restoration of the student to the position of true holiness, true righteousness, and true knowledge that is available only through Christ.

     DuBois Christian Schools offers an education that is God-centered, and presents all truth as God's truth. Even though knowledge is often factually the same for both the Christian and non-Christian, no subject can be taught in the totality of its truth if the Creator is ignored or denied. It is also vital to recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in teaching and learning. Unless a person has accepted Christ as Savior, he or she cannot fully benefit from and be instructed by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

     The DuBois Christian Schools’ Committee and Administration urge parents to recognize their scriptural responsibility (Deuteronomy 6:1–9, Psalm 78:5, 6, Proverbs 22:6) to provide their children with a Christian education, and to understand that the primary responsibility for this task rests with the parents (Ephesians 6:4). DCS was founded, and continues to operate upon biblical values, and the desire and commitment for Bible-believing Christian parents to enroll their children in an intentionally-Christian environment. DCS will consider admission for students from any family who, despite their religious background or beliefs, is willing to support DCS’s philosophy of Christian education, student conduct requirements, Parent’s Pledge, and who is willing to allow their children to be educated and influenced in an intentionally-Christian environment. Continued enrollment at DCS is contingent upon this same understanding and support.

     DuBois Christian Schools stands firmly upon the historical truth claims and moral foundations of Christianity. This includes, but is not limited to, the biblical definition of marriage as a covenant relationship between a man and a woman, the attendant boundaries of sexuality and moral conduct, and the clear biblical teaching that gender is both sacred and established by God’s design. Parents, or the legal guardians, who choose to enroll their children at DCS are agreeing to support these and other basic biblical values derived from historical Christianity, and the relevant Christian positions embraced by First Baptist Church of DuBois, under whose authority this school rests. Parents understand and agree that DCS will teach these principles and biblical values.