DCS Staff and faculty

     The staff and faculty at DCS desire to make a godly impact on students during the school day, at school activities, and in the community. They see their occupation as service to young people and families. All full-time faculty members are required to have a minimum of a Bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university. Many DCS teachers have earned advanced degrees, and are certified (or qualify for certification) by various state and national educational associations. 

     DCS class sizes are limited, which allows the teachers to go beyond the basic educational experience. As godly role models, DCS teachers influence the students spiritually, socially, and emotionally.

  • Pastor Mark Montgomery

    School Administrator

         I have been the senior pastor of First Baptist Church and the Administrator of DuBois Christian Schools since 2002. 

         I was born in Johnson City, NY while my dad was a student at Baptist Bible  Seminary.  Most of my childhood and teen years were spent in Willingboro, NJ, where my dad was the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Willingboro. 

         I graduated from Baptist Bible College of Clarks Summit, PA in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Theology.  It was during those years that I married Deborah Smith.  We have three wonderful children, Melissa, Mark II, and Matthew.  My hobbies are fishing and coin collecting. 

         After graduating from BBC I began working at Summit Baptist Academy and attended Grace Theological Seminary and earned a MA in Christian School Administration. The first 14 years of my ministry career was spent in Christian schools, mostly as an administrator.

         My main duties as the DCS Administrator are to oversee the finances, work with the administrative team, and be available to handle various issues that may arise.  I have also been the Varsity Girls’ Basketball coach for over 10 years and greatly enjoy that opportunity with the students. It is a real joy and awesome privilege to partner with parents in the Christian education of their children. 

         One of my favorite verses in working with the students, parents, teachers and staff is Colossians 1:23-24, "And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." 

  • Fran Chittester

    Elementary Principal / Director of Instruction / Elementary Chapel Director/Upper Elementary Music Teacher/Applied Digital Skills

  • Mark chittester

    Dean of Students / Director of Community Relations / High School Bible Teacher

         I have a BS in Business Administration and Marketing from Clarion University, and many years of experience in the business world in buyer communications, marketing, and public relations.

         At DCS, my role is to work to form and maintain strong, positive relationships with our students, parents, local churches and the community. As Dean of Students, I also oversee discipline, discipleship, and the non-athletic lives of our secondary students.

  • Tracy Shenkle

    Director of Development/Athletic Director

         I grew up in Brookville, PA and currently live in Reynoldsville with my husband and 4 daughters. I am a 1998 graduate of First Baptist Church Academy (now DuBois Christian Schools), and a 2002 graduate of Penn State University where I received a BS in Nursing. 

         I married my best friend, Phil Shenkle, in 2002, and we have 4 beautiful daughters...Lilly, Ella, Anna and Ivey. I worked as a Registered Nurse for 4 years before my oldest was born, and shortly after her birth, I began volunteering at DCS and began serving on the School Committee. The volunteer service continued and grew over the years as our family grew. 

         In 2016 I was asked to come on staff at DCS as the Director of Development to manage and organize fundraising, grant writing, and events, as well as promotion of DCS to the community. Phil and I, and our girls, love our church family at First Baptist Church and for many years have served on the praise team and in Common Ground Youth Group as well as other ministries. We are so thankful to be able to serve the Lord in the church where we were raised! 

         If you get to know me and my family you will realize I don't sit still well. I love organization and lists, and enjoy spending time with friends and family! 

         My favorite Bible verse for this time in my life is Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

  • krissy brownlee


         Born and raised in Oregon, the beautiful Pacific Northwest is my first home. After graduating from McKay High School, I attended Baptist Bible College (now Clarks Summit University) where I got a 2-year Associates Degree, and met Matt, who would become my husband. We have been married since 1996, and have three children, Shelby, Colesy and Max.

         I began working in the school office when Shelby started Kindergarten in 2005. I was able to work here for 8 years before we were surprised and blessed with our Max. When he was born, we decided that I needed to be home with him. It was a bittersweet moment when I said goodbye to my work family here at DCS. However, I attended every soccer and basketball game our girls played through their high school years, and both Shelby and Colesy graduated from DCS. Throughout that time, I continued to be involved both at DuBois Christian Schools and First Baptist Church in volunteer positions.

         Near the end of the 2020-2021 school year I was asked if I would be willing to return to the position of Secretary for the school, and it was an easy "yes!"


  • jen long

    Administrative Assistant

         I grew up in the DuBois area and attended DuBois Business College where I received my Associates Degree in Accounting. I help out in the school office, and with the bookkeeping.

         I am married with two children, and enjoy music, camping, shopping and spending time with my family.

         My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13.

  • beckie kriner

    3 and 4-year Old Preschool Teacher

         I grew up in DuBois, PA. I am a 1984 graduate of First Baptist Church Academy (now DCS).  I attended Liberty University for two 1/2 years.

         My husband, Clair, and I live on the family farm where we raised our three children: Philip, Stephen and Stephanie. They are grown up and serving the Lord in other states.

         I received an online degree in Early Childhood Development studies. I worked at a nursing home for 15 years, and have also worked at Happy Hearts Daycare. I have church ministry experience with children and youth in AWANA and youth group.

         One of my favorite Bible verses as I work with children is Proverbs 22:6 -- "Train up a child in the way he (or she) should go, and when he (or she) is old, he (or she) will not depart from it."

  • maria gruda

    Preschool Aide

  • kristin hills

    Kindergarten Teacher / Lower Elementary Music Teacher

         I am originally from Falls Creek, PA. I graduated from Brockway Area Jr./Sr. High School, and I have been involved in elementary education since 2011.

         My family includes my dad: Harold Hills, my mom: Nancy Hills, my older brother: David, my sister-in-law: Laura Hills, my niece: Aurora Hills, my younger brother: Ryan Hills, and my sister-in-law: Alexas Hills. 

         My favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:13. 

         I enjoy music -- playing the alto saxophone, ukulele, and piano; and signing. I also enjoy knitting, spending time with family and friends, and reading.

  • grace dewing

    1st Grade Teacher

         I grew up in a small town in Northeastern PA.

         I graduated from Liberty University's online program in 2017 with my BS in Elementary Education.

         I spent one year teaching at a Christian school in Montrouis, Haiti before moving to DuBois.

         I enjoy playing guitar and piano, reading, and baking.

         My favorite verse is Philipians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving  let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

         I am so blessed to be part of the DCS family.

  • linda deitch

    Elementary Teacher Assistant / Lunchroom Aide

  • erin montgomery

    2nd Grade Teacher

         I grew up in the Harrisburg, PA area, and came to know Jesus when I was 16 years old, as a result of faithful friends sharing the gospel with me! I started my college education at James Madison University in the field of nursing, but eventually transferred to Clarks Summit University to study elementary education and Bible. The Lord certainly knew what He was doing, because many of my biggest passions in life are studying the Bible, education (in both church and school), and ministry leadership—all things I learned while at CSU!  While there, I met my husband, (Pastor) Matt, and we got married in 2008.  Together we are raising two sweet boys, Hudson and Charlie, and serving our FBC church family!

        I started teaching at DCS in 2008, in Pre-K and then Kindergarten.  I took a break to stay home and raise my boys, and during that time I completed my Master’s Degree of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.  I served on the DCS School Committee from 2019-2022, started back to work as an aide in 2021, and now am serving in the second grade teacher position.

         Some of my favorite things are:  reading, puzzling, the Christmas season, all things coffee, vacationing/road trips, celebrating good things in life, and spending quality time with our youth group teens, friends, and family!

          One verse that continually runs through my mind is Philippians 1:6:  “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”  As I walk through this life, I’m reminded often of the sweet reality that God is always at work in my life and in my heart—continually shaping me into the likeness of Jesus, until the day I get to see Him face to face!

  • kathleen nelson

    3rd Grade Teacher

  • susan bundy

    4th Grade Teacher

         I grew up in Luthersburg, PA. I was in the third grade when First Baptist Church Academy (now DuBois Christian Schools) started, and I graduated in 1984. I attended Indiana University of PA for 1 1/2 years, and then transferred to Liberty University to complete my BS degree in Elementary Education. Upon graduation, I became a Teacher's Aide at DCS for 1 1/2 years, and then moved to Florida and taught at West Florida Baptist Academy for 2 1/2 years. When I returned to DuBois, I began working at DCS again.

         I count it a privilege to serve God at DCS. My favorite verse is Lamentations 3:23, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning: Great is your faithfulness."

  • diane kennard

    5th-6th Grade Teacher / High School Choir Director

         I grew up in Grampian, PA. In 1984 I graduated from First Baptist Church Academy (now DuBois Christian Schools). In 1988 I completed a Diploma program in Christian Ministries at Tennessee Temple University (now Carolina University). Just one month following graduation from TTU I married my high school sweetheart, Dan Kennard, who is also an 84 grad from DCS and 88 grad from TTU. In 2010, I completed my BS Degree and Master's Degree through Clarks Summit University. 

         It has been a privilege to teach multiple subjects and class levels at DCS since 1996, as well as serve on the school committee and DCS Administration.

         Dan and I have been blessed with a wonderful daughter and son, Deidre Brown (DCS class of 2010) and Dan Kennard II (DCS class of 2013); son-in-law Tim Brown (DCS class of 2009), and daughter-in-law, Hannah Kennard. We have two wonderful grandsons, Reagan and Everett; and two precious granddaughters, Murphy and Tahli.

         I enjoy fishing, and going to Ocean City, New Jersey.

         My favorite verse from  God's Word is Psalm 37:4-5, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Trust also in HIm, and He will bring it to pass.

  • matt montgomery

    School Chaplain / 7th-8th Grade Bible Teacher / 7th-12th Grade Chapel Director / Boys Gym Teacher

         I have been on staff at First Baptist Church as an Assistant Pastor since 2008. I married Erin that same year, and we have two amazing boys, Hudson and Charlie. 

         I grew up in Southern California, but moved to DuBois in the middle of high school when my father, Pastor Mark, was called to pastor First Baptist Church. During my college years, I spent eight months living and working with missionaries in Durban, South Africa. I earned a bachelor’s degree from Clarks Summit University, a master’s degree from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and was ordained by First Baptist Church in 2014. 

         My current responsibilities at FBC and DCS include leading Common Ground (youth group), teaching and serving as the chaplain at DuBois Christians Schools, preaching, counseling, playing guitar on the praise teams, and individual discipleship. 

         In my “down time,” I enjoy spending time with family, running, hunting, and fishing.

         Philippians 3:8 “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

  • sherri ramsey

    Middle School-High School English and Speech Teacher

         What I love about teaching are the students. I love their energy, their thoughts, and their vulnerability. God gave me the gift of being a part of their lives and enlightening their education. I teach 7th-12th grade English and 7th-10th grade Speech.

         I graduated from Clarion University of PA with a degree in Secondary English Education. For four years I worked at DuBois Public Schools as a long-term English sub. I have many years experience of teaching gymnastics, cheerleading, and piano.  

         First Baptist is my home church, and I'm involved in worship, nursery, MOPS, and VBS.

         My husband, two little girls, one son, and myself reside in DuBois, PA. We love to travel, hike, and play music.

         My favorite verse is Romans 8:38-39 "...nothing can separate me from the love of Christ Jesus, my Lord" No matter what we face as adults or students, we are promised fellowship and love from our Lord.

  • hamilton george

    7th through 12th Grade History, Family Consumer Science, 7th through 12th Grade Art Teacher

         I grew up in the Ebensburg area and attended Cambria County Christian and Johnstown Christian schools. I was raised attending and learning to serve the local church by my parents. I met my wife Kristin in college. We have three children and are members of First Baptist DuBois. Our family loves taking trips and visiting historically significant locations. 

         I received my Bachelor of Business from the University of Pittsburgh and my Master of Divinity from Denver Seminary in 2016. I have been in church ministry since high school and in church leadership positions since 2004. In 2015, I was a part of the pastoral team that planted Pillar Church of Woodlawn in Washington D.C. Since then my role and passion in the local church has been to see people come to faith in Christ through the preaching of the gospel and see Christians grow through the transformative truth found in God’s word. My goal with students is the same, to see them know Christ as their savior, grow in their faith, and grow in their understanding of the world around them and how their faith informs how we live. 

         A key Bible verse for me is Romans 12:1-2 which reveals that believing in Jesus for salvation is a transformative act of worship to the God who created all things, sustains all things, and redeems all those who are in Christ.

  • brenda troutman

    6th through 12th Grade Math Teacher

         I was born and raised in Punxsutawney, PA, where I still live. My husband Chris and I have three children: Austin, Kayla, and Megan. I am a member of the Punxsutawney Christian and Missionary Alliance Church where I serve as an adult Sunday school teacher and sing on the worship team. I have also helped out in various other places, such as Vacation Bible School, working the concession stand for our basketball program, and serving as a chaperone to take teens to the Alliance LIFE Youth Conference.

         I graduated from IUP in 1999 with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, and then went on to get my Masters degree in Middle School Mathematics Education at Walden University in 2012. I have been working in a Christian school environment since 2001. After teaching fifth grade for three years, I moved into teaching middle and high school math and science.

    Teaching is my passion and my ministry, especially in the area of mathematics. I can't imagine myself doing anything else. 

         One of my favorite passages of Scripture is Philippians 2:1-11. I particularly love verses 3-4, which state, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others." (NIV)

  • curtis mertz

    7th through 12th Grade Science, 5th Grade Math Teacher

         I completed my undergraduate and graduate work at Clarion University and have a BS in Education and Biology as well as a Masters in Science Education.  I am married to Tammy and we have twins, a daughter and son. Tammy and I spend as much time as possible with our 4 grandsons and one granddaughter.  

    I was a science teacher as well as a coach in the Armstrong school district from 1987 to 2021 at which time I retired from public school teaching.  During the 2021-2022 school year I taught science and math part time for the Punxsutawney Christian School.

         I train in martial arts and enjoy the time with training partners.  I also enjoys hiking, trail running and mountain biking.  My wife and I also enjoy training our dogs in a variety of activities such as rally, obstacles, and barn hunt. 

         The verse I would like to share is from Micah 6:8; “He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly, show mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

  • katie chamberlin

    High School Spanish Teacher / Math and English Substitute Teacher

         I grew up in Erie, PA and earned a BA in Spanish (minor in German) from Westminster College. After one year of teaching German and two years of substitute teaching, I began teaching at DCS in the fall of 1976, just a few months after I was married to my husband, Jack. I have served at DCS in some capacity ever since, except for the six years I took off when our children, Tracy and Barry, were small and the first year of granddaughter, Lily's, life. Our other grandchildren are Ella, Anna and Ivey Shenkle, and Brylan and Kason Chamberlin.

         When I began teaching at DCS, we used the ACE self-instructional curriculum, and I had a room full of 45 junior highers! When we changed to traditional classroom instruction in 1996, I taught English and Math. At the present time I am enjoying just teaching my first choice -- SPANISH! The Lord has been faithful in all of the changes, and I am so grateful that He heard my heart's desire to serve in some sort of ministry when I dedicated my life to Him fully at the age of 16!

  • Shelley muth

    Girls Gym Teacher / Elementary Gym Teacher

        I grew up in Woolrich, PA, and currently live in DuBois with my husband, daughter and many animals. I am a certified personal trainer and health coach. My passion is helping people learn how to take care of these amazing physical bodies God has given us. I enjoy a good workout, especially running, and even better if it's on a trail in the woods.  I also enjoy spending time with my family and my dogs, soaking up fresh air and sunshine.

         One of my favorite verses is 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do...do it for the glory of God."

  • toni truesdale

    Elementary Art Teacher

  • Terry Blankley


         I grew up in Curwensville, PA and currently live in Treasure Lake, DuBois, PA. My family includes my wife, Patty; as well as our son, David. Our daughter, Jennifer Bailey, lives in York, PA with her husband, Keith, and our grandson, Ethan.

         I graduated from Curwensville Joint High School and DeVry Technical Institute of Chicago, IL.  After over 35 years of service I retired from AT&T, and became Custodian at First Baptist Church and DuBois Christian Schools in October 2002.

         My favorite portion of Scripture is John 14.